Possibilities of utilizing blended-learning in the area of language education of medical staff

This contribution deals with the presentation of teaching materials created within the IMED-KOMM-EU "Intercultural medical communication inEurope" internet project, having taken place under the leadership of the Institute for Intercultural Communication in Germany(Ansbach,Berlin,Jena,Erfurt). Project target was creating, testing, valorisation and permanent extending of the mentioned teaching materials, testing and certification technologies (ECL) for intercultural professional communication of foreign physicians and other medical staff. The target groups involving the already practising professionals, as well as students, should be able to utilize the existing possibilities of communication withinEuropeand to perform their professional activity or studies in the languages, in which the materials are elaborated. As a result, five complete courses of blended-learning were created, which are generally easily accessible at mutually connected web sites in Czech, Slovak, German, Bulgarian and Hungarian. Their core are modules orientated on practice with complex exercises online and offline focused on the medical communication, including the manuals for teachers.

MEFANET Journal 2014; 2(2): xx-xx


Radka Šulistová*, Vlastimila Ptáčníková